The Digital Heritage Internship Program (DHIP)


The Digital Heritage Internship Program (DHIP) informs and trains local youth from different disciplines in conceptualizing, designing, developing, promoting, and fundraising for interdisciplinary digital heritage projects. The extensive in-person and online training is provided by local and international collaborators and trainers. The gained knowledge and skills are applied in the team capstone projects, assigned by the Cultural Heritage Organization (CHO) based on a local need or request of a local stakeholder In addition to sustainable development and promotion of local heritage, the program equips young graduates with 21st-century knowledge, skills, and networks for expanding the creative industry in the Kurdistan region and the rest of Iraq for making cultural, social, environmental, or economic impacts DHIP is developed by Dr. Rozhen Kamal Mohammed-Amin (President of the Cultural Heritage Organization (CHO), Assoc. Prof. and Researcher at the Kurdistan Institution for Strategic Studies and Scientific Research (KISSR), and Co-Director of the Nahrein Network) and also directed by her and her research team with a Nahrein Network fund. The Nahrein Network is a collaborative research project between the University College London (UCL), the British Museum, CHO, and KISSR. The round of DHIP was implemented with Suli Innovation House (SIH) and the Culture Factory.

Digital Heritage Internship Program (DHIP) Statistics (2023-2024):

Program Duration: 10 months (From September 9, 2023 to July 6, 2024).

Trainers: Number: 14 Local and International Trainers from 5 countries.

Total Training Hours: Over 120 hours.


DHIP Partners:

DHIP Collaborattors(2023-2024)